
POST {version}/Subscribe

Subscribe emails contained in the JSON list which must be 20 items or less.


GET {version}/FederatedAccessGroupsByApiGroupKey

No documentation available.


GET {version}/Voter?Firstname={Firstname}&Lastname={Lastname}&Zip5={Zip5}

Will return a list of voters based on First name, Last name, and Zip code


Controller for Published Alerts

GET {version}/PublishedAlerts

No documentation available.


GET {version}/Receipts?reportMode={reportMode}&recognizedyear={recognizedyear}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&sourceID={sourceID}&sortOrder={sortOrder}

No documentation available.

GET {version}/Receipts?fromDateTime={fromDateTime}&toDateTime={toDateTime}&size={size}&includeUdf={includeUdf}

This method will retrieve all the receipts (and their properties) between the time. See PBI 144884 Sample call: http://localhost:54445/v1/Receipts/GetReceiptsByDates?fromDate=06/15/2015&toDate=06/26/2015&limit=1000&includeUdf=true

GET {version}/individuals/{sourceId}/Receipts

Returns list of receipts based on the sourceId. If no individual is found for the sourceId or FA group is not available,then no receipt will be returned OR if FA groups is available,


GET {version}/Donors?recognizedyear={recognizedyear}&excludesource={excludesource}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&memberStatus={memberStatus}

This end point accepts the apiKey, GroupKey,receipt recognition years, and receipt source text to exclude and returns list of donors sample request: http://localhost:53822/v/Donors?recognizedyear=2011,2012,2009&excludesource=F91FD13D-6054-4A55-A9E0-360C212CB284,BAD8349E-37DE-4C2B-A403-B408B63F718A&pageNumber=1&pageSize=100 ApiKey and Group Key are passed in the authorization header

GET {version}/Donors?udfGroupName={udfGroupName}&udfDefinitionName={udfDefinitionName}&udfDefinitionValue={udfDefinitionValue}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

This end point accepts udf group, udf definition name, page number and size as parameters and returns list of donor udf definitions with values linked to the udf definition specified as parameter


GET {version}/Individuals/{id}

Returns basic information about an individual. Expects a valid Source ID as the parameter. Invalid Source ID results in 404 error.

GET {version}/Individuals?indGuid={indGuid}

Returns basic information about an individual. Expects a valid Individual Guid as the parameter.

POST {version}/Individuals

This endpoint will create individuals. Accepts an array of IndividualForCreate instances

PUT {version}/Individuals/{id}

This endpoint can be used to update an individual Source ID and Individual Guid must match the same entity

PUT {version}/Individuals?indGuid={indGuid}

This endpoint can be used to update an individual including Source ID and other fields Update is based on Individual Guid supplied as query param Validation1 : Ind guid supplied in query string param should match what is given in the body Validation2 : Source ID should be unique Validation3 : Auto source id must be off for the client db. If 'on' it will throw an exception.

GET {version}/Individuals/{sourceId}/Images

Returns an individual's image. Expects a valid Source ID as the parameter. Invalid Source ID results in 404 error.

GET {version}/Individuals/{sourceId}/CustomFields

Returns an individual's custom fields. Expects a valid Source ID as the parameter. Invalid Source ID results in 404 error.

GET {version}/Individuals/{sourceId}/Pledges

Returns an Individual's Pledges for a given year. Expects a valid Source ID as the parameter. Expects year as a query string parameter.

GET {version}/Individuals/{sourceId}/TotalContributions

Returns an Individual's Total Contribution from receipts. Expects a valid Source ID as the parameter. Returns 404 Error if Source ID is invalid. Expects input for recognizedyear, or returns empty object.

GET {version}/Individuals/{sourceId}/TotalContributionsCore?receiptyear={receiptyear}&excludedsource={excludedsource}

Returns an Individual's Total Contribution from receipts. Expects a valid Source ID as the parameter. Returns 404 Error if Source ID is invalid. Expects input for receiptyear, or returns empty object.


POST {version}/Unsubscribe

Unsubscribe emails contained in the JSON list which must be 20 items or less.